Samstag, 25. September 2010

Secret Post?

As you can see this red-ish colour will indicate that it's me, Bea. :)
Nuray doesn't know that I'm posting something today but I don't really care since I've been so nice and sent the link of this blog on facebook. Actually I should be cleaning up but well, I'm not. 
Anyways, today, since boredom is in da house and I really don't know what to talk about myself I'll tell you ten random facts about Nuray.
Can't really think of something interesting, but if you got a thing for her, you'll like (not to say love) it anyways ♥

1. How tall is Nuray?
I guess she's about 156cm or so. 

2. What's her natural hair colour?
God knows!

3.Does she have a boyfriend~~~~?
Right now at the moment she doesn't, but you won't really have a chance with her. She's soooooo shy.

4.What's her fav. coulour?
Most definitely pink.

5. Does she have a best friend? 
Yes, me.  (hihihihihihi)

6. Does she fart?
Hell yeah, she does!

7. What kind of things is she into?
Musta be pink. 

8. What kind of music does she like?
 Must be cute...she's into that one japanese lady singer who's name I forgot ):
But give Perfume a go! She likes them as well.

9. Is she a girly girl?
In some way every girl is a girly girl, so is Nuray.
And I love to be girly girlish with her!

10. Ten random things you'll find in her room whenever you're there:
tissues, soft pets, halligalli, lashes, hair care products, her sister, chocolate, desinfizierung für Hände (will translate that when I'm not too lazy, maybe desinfection for hands?), concert tickets, plane tickets

I'll try to keep this blog updated and harass my dear friend Nuray to post stuff as well.
Btw. Nuray came up with the idea to  manage a blog together. I couldn't say no since I still think it might get interesting!

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