Donnerstag, 30. September 2010

Siopao #2

I want siopao! ):  It is filled with pork or chicken and a bit of egg. 

As I posted earlier I don't live with my mother anymore. I moved to my father's place about half a year ago because the way to my school is a lot shorter. So I eat Austrian food now. It's quite ok, but it feels like you're in a restaurant everyday. At some point you just have enough of it. I'm craving for rice and siopao! And pancit canton!

This is pancit canton. Doesn't it look yummy? I don't really get why chopsticks are on the pic as well, since Phils don't eat with them....anyway, pancit canton's origins are in China as well. You mainly eat it on birthdays or parties, special events but also as an ordinary dish. My mother said the noodles are a symbol for a long life.
I think I'll have to cook them by myself if it wouldn't be just such a lot of work, especially cooking siopao takes all day long. And yes, I've stolen those pics from Google. 

Shame on me.

Good night

I want rice!!!!

Mittwoch, 29. September 2010

D: D: D: D:

Oh gooooooooooooooood! I'm just sooooo tired!
I still didn't start doing my homework, yet! But I'm just so damn tired. 
Needing motivation now.

Bea you can do it! You. Can. Do. It!!!!! Stop being such a lazy dork and start doing your homework!
Do you wanna end up as a nobody? Do you want that? NO! SO DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK! NOW!

Ok, I think that's enough motivation. Gotta do them now. Seriously.

Hello everyone!~
I just don't like school and I guess y'all can guess why. There are just too many stupid people crowded on one spot. For people who are reading this and who even might be attending the same school as me: I don't mean the MKT. Just to avoid stress.

MKT is the 'Margaretner Colleagues Day' (translated literally). It is an event where former students of my school visit us and a couple of students have to serve them food while others are cooking and are doing whatever they have to do. I'm curious how it will work out and how we students will do. 

I realised my English gets worse and worse so I'll try to post as many entries as possible so it will get better, hopefully! 

Today, in music class we got taught about the history of jazz. I'm not really aware of lots of jazz musicians and whatever but I just love it. Never liked a music lesson as much as that one.

It's already Wednesday and soon it will be weekend again! I can't wait since I'm already so tired of school.

So, gotta pee now! 


Nuray is so stressed I'm afraid of phoning her but I guess I'll try later.

Dienstag, 28. September 2010



So I went to the movies today. The cinema we went to offers something like a sneak preview or so. You pay for a ticket and you don't know which movie you'll see and it's all in English. We watched a movie with Zac Efron.
I just can't stand that guy. He's the gayest (no offense) actor I've ever seen in a movie. He just cried like every 10 minutes and you just wanna shoot yourself during watching it. But beside the fact that Zac Efron disappointed me a lot it wasquiiite cool! Don't know what the movie is called like and hopefully will never need to know!
Yes I know, today my English is even worse than usually so I'm keeping this to a minimum.
It's just too late!

Will do my homework now.


Montag, 27. September 2010

I am so jealous!

God don't you get jealous when Nuray posts stuff like that?
I always feel like a talentless fool then! But guess what? At some point (when I'm not too lazy) I'll record my drumming along some basslines or whatever and put them online as well!
Hopefully I won't be too lazy for it....
So I'll go to bed soon, wish you all a nice day/evening.
Tomorrow will be stressful =/
Ha! Somehow Nuray is able to post comments (but I am not! Why not??): 

Good evening!


Soooooooo it's just another boring day!
Soon I'll turn 18 (old, old lady) and wanted to celebrate my birthday at McDo's. 
But unfortunately there's an age limit ( you must be max. 12 years old), so we might just go out somewhere boring.

Filipinas usually have a debut for their 18th birthday. It's like a prom, similar to the Spanish quinceanera. Is it even Spanish? At least it sounds like! Anyways giving a party for yourself is really stupid. Like your birthday changed the world or whatever. Honestly, it's just another ordinary day. Well, except you have an excuse for getting drunk. ;) <- most people might already know that song, but still it is epic!

I recently had to find out that I can't post any comments on my own entries. SUCKS! 

I hope you don't take the McDonald's party too serious, but an 18th birthday there would be amaaaaaaaaaaazing!

Sonntag, 26. September 2010


Mabuhay means something like 'Welcome!' but you can also use it instead of 'Cheers'. So today, I'll use it as Welcome! As I told you before I stayed at my mom's place over night. And again I found beautiful stuff I'll just take with me. Well, of course I asked for permission first, but already have decided that it's mine. 

I know I won't use the 'fake pearl necklaces' but I fell in love with the flower necklace. 
(Tho prolly won't use it as well)

It really surprised me I found something that actually belongs to me.
It's a 'phone-strap-lipgloss'. The second I saw it I totally was into it! 

       It might look cheap but it is soooooooooo cool!! I got the car from a trip to the airport I went to with Nuray and her sister, it was really cheap so I bought it. Her sister got the same one as me.
A girl visiting the same school as me gave me the lipgloss, she got it from Taiwan. 
I stayed up the whole night and found some interesting stuff. Among them a mask. I took some pics but I'm not sure if I'll show them. They look stupid. 
Oh btw. I HATE my phone!


It's saturday night...

...and I am sitting at home, alone (due to sickness): !
Well, actually I'm at my mother's place and will stay over night. It's really boring here, so I'm posting another entry.
I've found something little and black. It almost looks like a little, little TV. But it isn't, I think.
It's 'Day 2' now and almost 40 people have been on our blog! So if you're one of 'em feel free to leave us a comment!
It is really weird, I've got like thousands of ideas what I could talk and write about but I always forget them. :(

Missing Tequila. ):

Samstag, 25. September 2010


my sister got hungry,
so she's making some pancakes *_*
But in Austria we call them "Palatschinken"
I think there're a little bit thinner and without sugar

Palatschinken <3

you can hear my sister laughing and talking hahahaha

Bon Appétit ♪

So this is another post...

Got forced by 'cutiepie' Nuray to write another post.
I'm pretty clueless what to write about so it might be quite boring. 
I'll admit it's my fault that Nuray is sick, but it is someone else's fault that I am as well! I'm in a hurry since I've got to go to my mother's place (and, as someone told you, I'm always late) and get some bed sheets and etc. so I'll keep this quite short, as usually. (sorry):

 I really do love my mirror at the moment. There are quite a lot of pictures of the Philippines, my family,etc. and there's a Doraemon as well. ♥ I quite do like my cardigan (got it from my mom and kind of have stolen it).

Btw. What's Nuray's secret to get her posts that long???

Edit: Someone asked me what the reason behind this is. The answer: There is none. It's just about two stupid and bored girls.

Secret Post?

As you can see this red-ish colour will indicate that it's me, Bea. :)
Nuray doesn't know that I'm posting something today but I don't really care since I've been so nice and sent the link of this blog on facebook. Actually I should be cleaning up but well, I'm not. 
Anyways, today, since boredom is in da house and I really don't know what to talk about myself I'll tell you ten random facts about Nuray.
Can't really think of something interesting, but if you got a thing for her, you'll like (not to say love) it anyways ♥

1. How tall is Nuray?
I guess she's about 156cm or so. 

2. What's her natural hair colour?
God knows!

3.Does she have a boyfriend~~~~?
Right now at the moment she doesn't, but you won't really have a chance with her. She's soooooo shy.

4.What's her fav. coulour?
Most definitely pink.

5. Does she have a best friend? 
Yes, me.  (hihihihihihi)

6. Does she fart?
Hell yeah, she does!

7. What kind of things is she into?
Musta be pink. 

8. What kind of music does she like?
 Must be cute...she's into that one japanese lady singer who's name I forgot ):
But give Perfume a go! She likes them as well.

9. Is she a girly girl?
In some way every girl is a girly girl, so is Nuray.
And I love to be girly girlish with her!

10. Ten random things you'll find in her room whenever you're there:
tissues, soft pets, halligalli, lashes, hair care products, her sister, chocolate, desinfizierung für Hände (will translate that when I'm not too lazy, maybe desinfection for hands?), concert tickets, plane tickets

I'll try to keep this blog updated and harass my dear friend Nuray to post stuff as well.
Btw. Nuray came up with the idea to  manage a blog together. I couldn't say no since I still think it might get interesting!

Siopao and many other kinds of stuff...

This is Beatrice, my friends call me Bea! I'm seventeen years old (soon becoming 18!) and as you might have read earlier I'm living in Vienna, Austria.
I still go to school but am also a conservatory student with the major drums. Yes, that's right! I'm a girl playing the drums! Altough I'm not in a band at the moment.
In my freetime I'm up for pretty much the usual stuff as in going out and partying with friends, reading books & listening to music. It's really hard to  think about something you can write about, but I'm obsessed with shoes and clothes! 
I LOVE shopping. My favourite food is 'Siopao' it's Philippine but originally from China, I guess. 
My mother is from the Philippines and my father is Serb/Slovakian, very mixed himself. 

P.S.: If Nuray and I had a child, it would have 5 nations!!!!