Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Oh my....

It's been a long time since one of us posted something in here!

Well, nothing's going on here tho I'm quite a bit stressed because of exams and whatsoever. Tomorrow is my last test and in two weeks the term finishes. My English skills got quite a bite worse, I know. 
  • it is late
  • I am tired
  • I didn't really speak English (or at least did my HW's)

I'm playing with the thought to buy a camera. We'll see, We'll see.


Samstag, 1. Januar 2011

Happy New Year!


So it's already January the 1st 2011. Sounds so strange.
Nuray and I went to the same party and oh gooooooosh, there was loads of alcohol involved.
We, well actually a friend, made cocktails. Seriously, he makes the best 'sex on the beach's'.
Most of us got pretty wasted and I've been back home around 11 am. Yeah, that is late but the night was a successful one!

Well anyways, I guess nothing will radically change. As for me I don't have any New Year's resolution. 
Tho I'll try harder to get something like a side job and work HARDER for better marks in school. And clean up my room more often (lol). Oh! And put more effort into the drumming! >D

I wish y'all a happy New Year! ♥